Race Appraisal Services, LLC is a company you can trust when you need appraisals for bank owned properties in HampdenReal Estate in foreclosure and homes that have gone back to the bank's possession create particular appraisal difficulties. For a home in foreclosure, you might need to recognize the gap between fair market price and "quick disposition" price to know your possible charge-off liability. Race Appraisal Services, LLC has the background in both producing snapshots of fair market value for our mortgage lending clients, in addition to "quick sale" forecasts that take into account your urgency. You need a company who has the qualifications to handle the special dynamics of a foreclosure appraisal. For a company you can trust, contact Race Appraisal Services, LLC. Owners of homes in foreclosure might be uncooperative to allowing an inspection of the home, thus presenting particular challenges. Sometimes the houses have been intentionally damaged, unfortunately by the residents. Or, it's common to discover a house at least abandoned or the home neglected for long of time. For real estate that has already reverted to Real Estate Owned, you typically will want to get rid of it quickly . However, you may want to know and compare three values: as-is, as repaired, and "quick sale." These correspond to the value of the home without any work done to it, with the repairs due to make the home marketable at full market value consistent with similar properties in the area, and, somewhere in between, with minimal investment in repairs - selling the property quickly, probably to someone who'd prefer to finish the job themselves. Again, we understand your time line and the unique circumstances of a bank owned house, in addition to the specific information you will need -- competing listings, market trends, and the like. You can bank on Race Appraisal Services, LLC to handle the task of your bank owned property professionally and efficiently. Contact us today. |